However i am fairly pleased with them even though they are test shots - and i throughly enjoyed the process of making type on a large scale. Where as normally i design my sets in shoe boxes so on a much smaller scale. Here are some of the best shots:

Bellow is the shot which would be most apt for the cover currently. The cropping in of the hand holding the ON type is effective and conveys the title itself, in being 'Hands on'. Maybe for the future set i could include more hands, each holding th letter forms. This is something to defiantly be considered.
I particularly like the shots which are not clean cut, not all white and show some of development to how the set was erected. For example the black space at the bottom of the shot and the lighting being half cropped in - all i think are effective for conveying that set design is not as easy as it looks, that there is more to it.
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