Development of ideas after crit with fred, considering a change of format from juts a simple magizine layout. I decided that i wanted to produce a series of posters instead which would be contained within paper crafted triangles which could then be positioned within a set and photographed. Below are initial ideas sheet documenting my change of thought and new proposition:

However i thought it would be beneficially to create a mock up of the crafted triangles before i started to design the posters so i could see what scale to make the posters, either A3 or A2 depending on whihc would slot better inside the triangles.
I soon found out that making the traingles was very hard on a large scale, i kept on getting the measurements out by a few mm each time and this resulting in the traingles not perfectly folding together:

After wasting a good few hours on this, i decided that this would be a hard challenge which was taking up alot of time which could be spent on the actual design of the posters instead.
However as i was making this, Phil should be a folding technique which would allow me to fold the posters up which i was making to slot together to make a cube. he said he had trailed ut this folding technique in a previously brief but hadn't put it to use of yet, so he kindly showed me how it was done and luckily it worked a treat. It needed 6 sheets, so 6 pieces of posters ot work. here is an example of how it works:

The folding involved no measuring so it suited me and was quite simple to do:

A solid paper based cube:
AS i needed six posters i had to decide on six different topic for each poster, here are the design sheets leading to my final topics:
Cover design sketch:
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