Saturday, 23 January 2010

Pablo Alfieri

Incorperates tactile 3D letter faces, minimal and clean cut.





Concpet and deisgn work for 'Playful'. His work includes a mixture of hand made 3D elements which are tactile and static objects which he has found - aiding the composiotion.

Inpartciualtry in his sereis of posters prodcued for 'Playful' i like how how the image has been cut out again once printed and arrngeed on the natural enviromnet of grass, then re photograhed and printed again. I owuld like to incoerpate this technique of cut out elements and piecing them back togther in an unsual enviroment in one of my breifs whihc im going to undertake.



Friday, 22 January 2010

Jiggery Pokery

London Based set design company. Made up of three female illustartors who graduated from Brighton Uni.
There sets include lavish, over the top materials, conrtrasting colours and high gloss. These are then photographed and edited - overall efefct is very bold and aesthically pleasing.


Fera Fera - London

Holy Roar Records

Promo design for album art work for band Cutting Pink wiht Knives. Ise of cut out geometric hand rendered type is very appealing - though have to foucs and look closley to read it.