Thursday, 3 June 2010

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

The folding of final product

Once all the posters were designs and had been printed it was now time to do the folding, and i was praying that i wouldn't mess this up! Luckily it al went smoothly and i am very pleased with the final outcome:

Layout of design context

I started the final layout and design for the double sided posters for my design context. As i have said previously, i wanted the layout to be playful and exciting fo the viewer and reflect my design practice: 

My response for the combination of hand craft and digital design, i took the hand crafted collage which i have made a while ago at the start of the yeat but haven't previously used in in any of my deisgn work. I thought it would be relevant to enchance it in photoshop and then add digital vectors overlayed ontop which is rleevant to my current deisgn parctice:

Original scanned in collage:

For the final poster i wanted to have the cube made in mock up form being hand held. As this is placing my context within context as the title of my context is hand's on. Below sample shots of the cube being held:

Final poster image:

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Test Mock up of cube

As the posters which i am designing are A3 instead of a perfect square which i had only previously tested i thought before i print off the final designs i need to make sure the format is completely fool proof.

Assembled and all slotted together:

Perfect cube: